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Hitman 2 Silent Assassin PC Game Free Download Full Empty Hitman 2 Silent Assassin PC Game Free Download Full

Mon Jul 05, 2021 6:39 am
It is pretty crazy that as I write this Hitman 2 Silent Assassin PC Game is nearly 20 years old! I remember the time this game was released it was a huge deal in the gaming world. The first Hitman game came out of nowhere and was a massive hit, so gamers were very excited to see what antics Agent 47 would be getting up to this time.

Storyline: The game is a direct sequel to the first Hitman game. Agent 47 is trying to live a quiet life and he wants to put his contract killing ways behind him. This all goes to hell when his friend is kidnapped and held for ransom. Agent 47 wants to help his friend, but also find out who is doing this, why and more about his strange existence. It is great stuff indeed and it worked wonders at fleshing out the lore the first game created.

Next-Gen Power
The leap from the first game to Hitman 2 Silent Assassin Free Download is pretty huge in terms of the game’s visuals. I know looking back not it might seem strange to fawn all over the visuals of the game. However, this was quite the looker for its time. The character models had a lot of detail to them, but it was the world that they created which was really impressive. From snow that actually looked like snow to rain bouncing off the floor. This was a very impressive looking game for its time and to be fair, it does not look all that bad now either.

As well as looking good, this game also sounds good too. Agent 47 sounds like a badass, but the whole game has some very stellar voice acting. As well as great voice acting. The sound design, in general, is awesome. This was a game when I played back on the original Xbox, I had connected to my surround sound as the bullet and gun sounds packed a real punch to them.
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